Sunday, October 26, 2008

fossil - my great regret

I've been using the Polo wallet bought from Parkson ever since i was in form 2. It gave me no problem at all just until early this year although it only costed RM29.90.

Then I think its time for a new wallet. A fresh, new, up-to-date designed one. I consulted few friends about what type and sort of price range should i look for. Many gave their suggestions but most told me to pick my next wallet carefully as wallets are not something we buy often. I always think that price plays a major role in determining quality. So, I targeted my next wallet should be around RM 150++. It didn't.. seriously it didn't hit me that that is too expensive. I thought that is the right price for quality wallets.

I have searched for Topman wallets on the internet before but it gave me UK prices, so, that is out of discussion for me. I have also entered Topman to look for their wallets. But I found none. Maybe its not there or maybe I didn't found it.

So one day in May I think, I went to Pyramid to shop with my family. In desperation to find a 'quality wallet' I entered Fossil boutique. A brand rather well known for watched and leather goods. I looked at the wallets section, carefully chose 1 that I like the most, took it and pay. I did look at the price, RM199.99 but as I have mentioned earlier, I thought it was okay. Strangely enough, the salesperson just took the wallet, put it into a plastic and put the wallet-contained-plastic into a fit-to-size paperbag. I was a bit stunned. No box? warranty card? Being a slowthinker, I walked out of the shop without demanding what I should have.

I showed it to my parents, they were not happy with the price. I showed it to my friends, they think that it was overpriced.

I like the wallet. But after three months use, it started to show me its undesirable characteristics.

oops! what should I do?

I got myself into Topman again and I found wallets. RM49.90. Then i feel like shit. I can buy 4 Topman wallets with this shitty Fossil.

Now, I'm searching for the receipt. I've searched every place I place I know that might house receipts. Nothing came out of it. Maybe its in the office. I'll search tomorrow. But I had to finish my assignments first!

open house

jemput makan

not in the pic: nasi dagang, lontong..

Friday, October 24, 2008


Hate to be stuck in the middle.

My days of JPM are finally over, I was appointed as the SPR for the coming election. KA has given me and Muadz high hopes for this thing to be a successive occurrence. He didn’t appoint anyone else in the committee. Not even Anura. This is my last semester. This semester, I can feel the momentum of my extracurricular activities are becoming slower and slower. I became less committed, less proactive, needed to be pushed kind of person.

I was utterly becoming unnecessarily focused with the Kampung Raya Muhibbah thingy that I followed Mr Bassit to night market one afternoon, during the spr meeting that I had forgotten. Yesterday (20 oct) was the 2nd meeting. It was the preparation meeting to be exact. There, I was the loudest. Besides Belle. Most SPR committees were in semester 1. I sensed some dislikeness there for being too loud. I sort of like can read their minds ‘dah la x committed, x datang meeting etc. bising plaktu’ sort of things. We photocopied voting papers, posters and stapled the posters to plastic strings. Then I realized that it was time for my LWTR night class. Lucky Mr Omar ended the class early because Pian and few others wanted to pay him a Raya visit. I went back to my room. Muadz knocked. He asked me to go for the SPR briefing. He went first. I took my hoodie and ended up being late to the briefing. Again. Fellow semester 1 students made their furious looks. I think I know what r they thinking. I’m the loudest. KA told us that we will be getting our class release letter.

Next day, I started my day bathing. Found Muadz on the way. We got out from our room virtually at the same time. His room is just 2 doors away. When I got out from the bathroom cubicle, I saw Muadz already wearing his uniform walking to the stairs. Again, I was late for the morning briefing. Because of the semester 1 students, Muadz and I was kind of relaxed. I spent my whole morning reading lecture slides from my laptop for a scheduled joining and sealant exam at 2 pm. Syafa and Miza interrupted once a while and asked me for lunch. I explained that I got a day of free food. On a second thought, I accepted their request as the last time I went out with them for lunch was ages ago. During lunch at Atuk Wani’s place, they suggested to go for a movie that night. I instantly thought that it was a brilliant idea. I got no LWTR class on Tuesdays and the vote count process might finish at about noon. I so want to watch Eagle Eye. All my friends have seen it. I don’t want to be somebody from the ark.

Lucky Pak Erwin postponed the mid term exam to 3 pm. After the Pak Erwin’s self-proclaimed easy exam, I was called for a focus interview, an interview to measure the level of customer satisfaction. Vote count started at 5. I entered the center A room without giving any excuse. The count process lasted until 6.45 pm but Nasrul and few others asked for a recount then the votes and the papers didn’t tally by just two. I and many others excused themselves for the late Asar prayer.

I received an SMS from Syafa stating that Miza wasn’t going to the movie. So she asked whether I wanted to catch up to Pedro’s car which is departing immediately. During that time, I was negotiating with Miza. She was actually crying over something. I rejected Syafa’s request because I have many things to prepare. I need at least half an hour. Miza finally agreed to go out after I said that she had to cheer up.

I met Buck in the room after I had my quick bath. He lectured me of my fashion crime that I have committed. I was so fucked up for what he said. I went to Muadz’s room seeing he was ready to go back to the I don’t know what to do. I haven’t told Miza about the recounting shit process and I haven’t told Muadz about going to the movie promise. I SMSed Miza to pick me up at the admin block. I went to the conference room 1 right away. Only a handful people were there. And Miza was already SMSing me to get to her car. I went out from the room and got out of sight.

Miza and I exchanged many storied about ourselves and everything that had happened today and about why she cried earlier on our way to Alamanda. We bought two Eagle Eye tickets and went to Nicole to shop. Suddenly Muadz SMSed me and asked for the ballot box key that I was holding. I feel like shit! How am I supposed to answer?! Argh! I’m so depressed and I wasted a lot of time unfocusly picking and trying clothes. Miza already bought two. Shopping normally took me a split second but this time, I feel so fucked up that they notice that I’m missing. Fucked up big time.

After 15 minutes of silence, I replied

“Maafkan.. ak tiada d miat. Kecemasan.. Tapi ada kunci spare dalam locker ak dalam drawer biru aras yg ada binocular.kunci plg kecik 2 batang.”

We ate and watched movies with me worrying over thing that might happen to me. Phone calls and SMSes kept on bothering me. I know my return to MIAT after this will be a nuclear warfare. After we dine, we met Syafa, Haikal, Amanina and their group on our way to the movie. Syafa, Ama and Haikal were a little upset when we didn’t talk much with them. But we were kind of rushing because it was already 9.30. The movie finished at 11.30. It was hell good. Way better than Transformers.

We rushed to MIAT and entered the gate at 2 minutes to 12. Right before the gate is closed. I parked Miza’s car as directed at the back of the block. When I exit the car and thanked Miza, I checked my pocket and found out that I lost my room keys. Lucky I got a spare key in my room.

I quickly called Belle to ask her what happened during the counting. She said that when asked where was I, she just answered don’t know, but later attached by Raudhah’s statement. “Die g tgk eagle eye.” Aduyai! Kantoi bodoh. She also said that Abang Nasr complained that I was suppose to be in the room because I was on duty. I was so afraid. I was so afraid of everyone now, Syafa, Amanina, Abang Nasr, Abang KA. But the one I afraid the most is Muadz. I am really close to him. But past experiences thought me to exercise friendship with him with extra precaution. But most of the time, mishaps just really like to come when I was with him. Sigh. He is honest. Too honest and outspoken that ripped my heart into pieces several times. He’s speaking the truth. Hypocrite in me makes it hard to be accepted. I remembered one statement in my human factor book, ‘the thing you afraid the most is the thing that is most likely to happen’.

Everyone, I’m so sorry. I was a slut when it comes to arranging timetables. I wasn’t expected this to happen. And I know that is too inappropriate to give another excuse. It was all my fault. I know that I shouldn’t have done what I did. I feel ashamed, more ashamed when people know that I lied about it.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

mai blajaq mai!

ni jenis2 ketupat yang ak knal

ketupat sate. ciri2 die adelah nipis berbanding ketupat nasik
adik aku pandai wat ni
ketupat nasik. tebal sket dari ketupat sate
ni ketupat burung.

ak baru blaja wat ketupat taun ni. tapi tiap kali ak wat je jadi ketupat burung. mak ngan tok aku x brape favour ketupat jenis ni. die ckp bleh isi sikit je. bazir daun. ngengenge.

ketupat bawang lupe nak amik gamba.


my mum's gonna hate this

ni gamba kek yang mama Buck wat time ak g braye kat umah die aritu. ak puji marble kek mak die once i masok umah. Buck slalu bwk marble kek dari umah. so mak die pn ckp. oh. ni la ikram ye? sambil glancing kat rambut kerinting aku. (Buck penah cite kat mak die yang aku iron rambut pakai iron die dan menterbakarkan cadar die. i soo cant believe that *toot* have such a big mouth!)

kaleful siap. leceh gak kan nak wat

my mum agak x puas ati kalo aku puji orang lain melebih sangat. memang la. ak x patut cite kat die pon. anak2 kene jaga hati ibu bapa. kan? tapi kek ni soo sedap.

Buck ckp mak die bangun kul 3 pagi watkan kek ni. if it was for me, aku terharu sangat. thanks yer auntie!


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

malamku semalam.

'malam malam aku sendiri.. tanpa cintamu lagi.. ohh.. ohh..'

soo in the mood of singging right now. after balik dari bilik kaunseling semalam (bilik lepak tetap stiap malam), Buck dah tido. awal betul. esok exam pulak. ak prepare ape yang patut ntuk esok dan tdo.

ak tdo berdengkur. orang kate la. orang yang berdengkur xtau die berdengkur. sebab berdengkur happen waktu tido. kan? logic la. suddenly, i was awakened up by a sound. mcm orang menjerit in disappointment. xtau la dalam mimpi atau betul2 Buck jerit. i suspect die mmg jerit sbb xle tdo krane ak dengkur sangat kuat. tapi how come die xle cope with that yet. dah 2 taun bersama. haha.. room mates i mean..

sepanjang malam, setiap malam, due to my heavy fluid diet, ak slalu bangun tengah malam g toilet to kencing. semalam, dalam kul 2 kot. x ingat sebab mamai x tgk jam. balik dari toilet ak nampak Darb lalu corridor depan bilik aku sorong bantal skali. mencebik muke. ak tanye mengapa. die x jawab tros bla. gune gosdar (gossip radar) ku, aku suspek die lari tdo kat lain sebab gadoh ngan Shah. ngengenge. skati je ak wat assumption.

so 2 couple penghuni sebilik ak assume gadoh malam tadi. maybe ramai lagi. cume ak xtau. mungkin 1 miat kene sumpahan smalam. aku sangat terasa ngan attitude buck. so sepanjang hari ak mencuka ngan die. mampos kau la. ak xnak cakap ngan ko. (acah2 bapok gitu. haha).

petang ak main tenis ngan mami. main kat court pukul dinding. ramai pulak yang turun hari ni. sesampai je pukul 6, ade court pukul dinding yang belah dak2 main takraw je ade kosong. seblah lagi Buck ngan Sid main. Mami nak main belah sane jgk. so ak terpakse la ak tersengeh2 kat Buck mintak tuka court. die pon gedik2 je malas nak layan ak..

Saturday, October 11, 2008

ak g braye smalam

ok. u know how i like to write grandfaher stories. i will try to write this as short as i possibly can. bak kate puan Rachel dulu, lengthy expressions. huhuhu.

seperti yang telah di plan oleh dak2 kelas kami g braye hari jumaat aritu. kelas Pak Erwin pagi tu cancel. plannye g umah muadz, pastu umah palee and last skali g lunch kat umah zaiez. tapi mak zaiez busy. so kitorg betolak ke umah muadz.

parents muadz g korea slame 2 taun. xde sape dirumah tu. die g la bli nasi lemak untuk menjamu kami sume. bile turun kete Buck acah2 comel bawak bantal skali. sume bahan die. puas ati ak. Buck bengang je. kat umah Muadz ade kolam ikan. seblah kolam tu ade cm platform kayu leh lepak2. lepas makan kat c2 kitorg tgk keliling umah. happened that ade 1 piece of the papan on that platform yang dah reput. aku terpijak and 'HWAPOWW' kakiku terjerlus ke dalam filter kolam bawah platform tu. nasib baik time tu most dak2 g basuh pinggan. xde la diorg nampak bende tu blaku LIVE. bile Buck tau je die ape lg. pay back time la. amik gamba, video la. temuramah saksi la. wat dokumentari la. cm lahanantat.

next umah palee. palee x join kitorg g umah muadz. sbb die ckp nak prepare sumthing. parents die pon xde coz sume keje. sebelom bla dari rumah palee, ade group photo kat depan pagar rumah. hehehe.

pastu masok program hari sabtu plak. plannye berkumpul kat umah afat kul 930. pastu grak umah Buck, umah Sid, Shah, last skali Papa.

ak sampai umah arafat kul 950. lewat 20 minit. tapi ak yang 1st sampai. selang 5 minit, kete Papa sampai. Zaiez, ngan awek masing2 ikot skali. Apehal aku smpai dulu? Afat ckp kete Cip kumpul umah shah dulu. sbb xtau umah afat katne. tunggu punye tunggu sampai kul 11 dah. kitorg ape lg. dah lapa, makan laa dulu.. afat jamu roti canai. sbb parents die puasa 6 hari last. bile abis je kitorg makan, kete shah ngan kete Cip pon sampai. Wan yang excited trus cari spot baik kat umah afat ntuk bergambar. huhuhu. pastu br diorg mkn. pas makan, kitorg grak umah Buck. Mak Afat kasik duit raye. ni first duit raye aku selain yang di kasik oleh Abah n Tok.

Jalan ke umah Buck agak complicated. Rasenye kalo nak g skali lg x ingat kot. time berkonvoi tu kete Cip terlanggar lubang. hub cap die melayang entah kemane. nasib baik Papa nampak. Sesampai umah Buck and bersalam ngan parents die, ak tros sambar marble cake yang sdia terhidang atas meja. huhu. dis time, kalerful siap. Mama die masak nasi lemak. pastu kitorg grak umah Sid. on the way tu g pungut hub cap kete Cip jap. keke.

Afat ngan Wan naik ngan ak. singgah kat petronas tu nak isi minyak. pastu nampak ade 1 kereta kancil ni. driver die mak ai. pakai kebaya. tetek besar gile. Wan cakap, kalah tetek aku. bila diamati betul2. sume dalam kete tu maknyah rupenye. dengan blusher yang melampau dan dressing yang very the obvious gitu. haha.. nak kua hiway jam yaamat.. ni first time ak lalu KL pada sabtu bulan raya. very slow moving. bile dah sampai umah Sid, kitorg lajak sket ke surau berhampiran. ak ngan Afat dah solat. tetibe wan plak ckp x jumpe telekung. Adoila. Sampai umah Sid, mak die masak mihun ngan Nugget. ak makan nugget je. bajet2 perut coz ade 2 umah lg. lepas habis cite mythbusters, kitorg pon grak umah Papa. lari plan sikit sbb shah ckp rumah die x ready lg.

Umah Papa kat taman sri gombak. lokasi opis abah ku dulu. Aku acah2 tau je jalan tu so ak x ikot diorg. rupe2nye jalan tu dah di renovate. ak tersalah masok simpang. teru ke sentul. a wat u-turn pastu sampai la umah papa. Mak papa pon masak mihun jgak. kat umah papa aku makan. mak die masak banyak. tapi sume amik sket2 je. so banyak la lebihnye. pastu kitorg amik gamba depan pagar umah Papa sebelom bertolak lg.

Selepas mengharungi jam yang panjang. sampai lah ke rumah shah. aku pon dah malas nak tulis. ape lagi orang buat time raye selain makan, buat kecoh dan sesat x jumpe rumah orang. so paham2 sendiri la..

aku anta Buck ngan Afat balik. lepas solat kat umah afat, ak bantai 1 mangkuk mee bandung special bapak die masak. time makan tu afat tunjuk langsir. ak ckp. ha knape? bapak aku buat jawabnye. ak kagum tul ngan bakat dan kesungguhan bapak Afat tu. Pesara tentera boleh menjahit langsir dan memasak begitu sedap? Wow!

mari buat pengiraan!! (bukan berkira ok. lain tu)

satria neo ade indicator minyak. sume kete ade indicator minyak. tapi neo ade nombor as in remaining kilometers.

so. given (by estimation) :.

ak pegang kete : 120
sebelom isi minyak : 60
lepas isi RM 50 : 280
sampai rumah smule : 170

(120-60)+(280-170)=170 fuel kilometres.

RM 50 dapat 280-60=220 fuel kilometres @ RM 2.50/liter

so:. (170/220) X RM 50.00 = RM 38.6363636363

total perbelanjaan beraya sekitar KL dengan jam yang lahantat = minyak + tol

RM 39.00 + RM 7.60 - RM 3.00 = RM 43.60 (tolak dwet raye yang mak afat bagi)

kire kegembiraan beraya:. PRICELESS

.:gamba aku upload kemudian:.

Friday, October 10, 2008

sori xde berite.

kat my campus internet connection ade kat student center sajork. so x dapat nak mencrit ape2 yang terbuku dihati. huhu

Saturday, October 4, 2008

ha..~ aku jadi takot.

blog orang lain sume bahase mak aih. berbunge2.. so when i look back to mine, rase cm one piece of rubbish and valueless. xde sape nak bace pon. blog hebat tu pon xde org bagi comment sangat apetah lagi aku nye coretan kejujuran yang xde sape nak tau ni......

cmne nak jd hebat? ak sdaye upaye cube menyelami perasaan penulis blog tu and what might have triggered such beautiful words and sentences.. tp terlalu dalam x terselam.. pasti dialah selayaknya seniman muda. dialah..

the feeling of wanting to be somebody else datang balik.. sigh!

sandal brownku.. sobsob..

3 oktober 2008 adelah tarikh takdirku ngan sandal brown kesayangan berpisah. huhuhu.

laha betul sape yang curik time ak solat jumaat tu. slame ni ak x penah pon kene curik time solat jumaat. aku pikir baik je. pada ak, org yang ilang slipa kat masjid cume sebab orang tersauk je. so ak x amik port sangat dalam menjaganye. tambah pulak tu ak pakai sandal, so maybe susah kot orang nak tersauk. tup2 abis solat dah xde. rupenye kecurian mmg berlaku dalam dunia ni. ak rase sedeyh sgt. huhuhu...

sandalku pair yang ke-2 dari kiri. Anis yang baju pink tu. mase kitorg g berbuke kat Putrajaya

sandal Adidas saiz 11 yang ak beli kat al ikhsan alamanda ngan Anis awal sem lepas. Anis beli Nike same2 ngan aku.. Rase sweet gile shopping sandal ngan die, walaupun die ni awek orang. sejurus ilang sandal tu, ak msg Anis. kenangan shopping sandal sesame dah ilang. huhuhu..

Ni kire first sandal aku setelah bertahun2 tengok sandal Nike Buck (room mate ak). x sangke aku nye lagi shortlived.

sandal tu cantik, selesa dan ak ske sgt. bulan lepas saje usha2 kat al ikhsan alamanda. sandal tu dah xde kat shelf die pon.

lesson learnt

aku rindu dia.. mungkin!

masok malam tadi dah 2 malam berturut2 ak mimpi pasal dia. first night, ak jumpe dia kat somewhere xingat. i waved, nak ckp ngan die. but he ignored. 2nd night, I was in a boutique cum petshop (i know its ridiculous) when he came in. He smiled all the way and shook my hand and said something. I assume that it was 'selamat hari raya' kowt and begin to walk away. Aku tarik his hands to talk. but then he said, 'sape kau?'. dengan muke masamnye pergi dari situ.

3 words yang ak tulis dalam blog die killed our friendship. mmg salah ak. he used to be my closest friend. at least thats what i think of him. die x anggap ak kawan baik pon kot. tah. x tau. i sent msg raye and mintak maaf kat YM, kat his num. tp xde reply..

seblom ni pon ak penah demolish persahabatanku dgn guru debate kesayanganku by just 2 words. nasib baik skang dah baik. tu pon after few years gak la. my molot mmg lakhanat.. dari kecik. ape nak buat?

tengok mlm ni mimpi cmne plak